The Rochelle has been developed especially for beginning
anglo players. Although the instrument is perfectly capable of meeting
the requirements of intermediate players, we understand that many players
might want to upgrade to a vintage or new instrument later on.
With this in mind, we made all the important features, such as key board lay
out, spacing of the keys, key diameter, key travel (the height of the keys),
number of bellows folds, etc. identical to traditional anglo concertinas, to
assure a smooth transition to a higher class concertina later on.
All Concertina Connection
models come with a 5 year warranty, and are part
of our upgrade program:
You can trade in your Rochelle at any time for a higher class*
concertina, and receive the full purchase price back as a credit
towards the new instrument.
Upgrade options for the Rochelle are the
Minstrel anglo,
Clover anglo and the high end traditional
Wakker anglo models.
*We build 3 classes of
concertinas: Entry level, Intermediate, and Traditional reeded
concertinas. See Concertinas 101 |